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Javier Enriquez Serralde lexinario autor escritor novelista medico cientifico

Javier Enríquez Serralde (Ciudad de México, 1955) se graduó como médico cirujano en la Universidad La Salle, México. Después de su especialidad, realizó estudios de postgrado en Londres y un doctorado en Cornell University, N.Y. Tras una larga carrera académica y de investigación científica en Estados Unidos, acompañada de numerosas publicaciones, ha sido ejecutivo de empresas farmacéuticas en América y Europa, dedicado a la investigación clínica.

Su obra literaria es de un estilo único. Su compleja narrativa contiene múltiples sedimentos lingüísticos e innumerables neologismos que ilustran sentimientos, dimensiones y tiempos nunca antes definidos ni descritos.


Una novela de ciencia ficción en inglés
hominidos prehistoricos antartida paleoparadox jon henry ciencia ficcion novela suspenso medico cientifico

Paleoparadox es un thriller de ciencia ficción. La historia comienza cuando unos expertos de Geocrax, Inc., una empresa especializada en excavaciones profundas, contratan al profesor Southerland, un renombrado paleoantropólogo en la universidad de Arizona.


Para recobrar adecuadamente vestigios pre-humanos, el profesor lleva a su estudiante y a un joven médico a las excavaciones. Su destino: El Polo de la Inaccesibilidad en el continente Antártico. Un reto a las teorías contemporáneas de la evolución humana. Y un reto para ellos.

Después de rescatar reliquias de 900,000 años de antigüedad escondidas bajo kilómetros de hielo, el equipo exhuma porciones de dos homínidos congelados: un macho y una hembra.


El joven médico realiza clandestinamente biopsias de los órganos reproductivos de los cuerpos y transporta las muestras congeladas al hospital en donde trabaja: una clínica de fertilidad. Allí lleva a cabo lo imposible y... la pesadilla comienza.

Un tanto "cansado" de la narrativa lineal de los best sellers, Javier Enríquez Serralde escribió Paleoparadox como una parodia de ciencia ficción en inglés.


Originalmente, no quiso asociar su nombre con una narrativa sin complejidad lingüística y sin frases que hicieran reflexionar, así que la acuñó bajo el pseudónimo de Jon Henry. Creyó que podría tejer una trama con la receta simplista que favorecen los monopolios editoriales. Sus conocimientos médicos y científicos le dieron la pauta para expandir ridículamente su imaginación en 137 mil palabras.

El autor apunta que André Schiffrin denominó el fenómeno como "the new ideology of the trade". Es lo que ha llevado a la vulgarización de la cultura en las últimas décadas, con una exagerada cantidad de entretenimiento en pos del lucro, proceso en el que, de vez en cuando, surgen limitadas joyas escondidas en el estiércol.

Preparado para ser un apéndice más del imperio editorial, envió Paleoparadox a Nueva York. La novela llegó a niveles ejecutivos de Simon & Schuster, pero cuando negaron su publicación desistió de sus esfuerzos para publicarlo en otras editoriales. Tiempo después, lo subió a Así nació y murió Paleoparadox





1969 X









Sección Maternal, Kindergarten y Pre-Primaria, Bertha von Glümmer, México DF.

Primaria, Instituto Patria, México DF.

Secundaria, Instituto Patria, México DF. Expulsado al reprobar el segundo año, el cual repitió por haberlo reprobado la primera vez.

Secundaria, varias escuelas hasta que terminó.

Bachillerato en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad La Salle, México D.F.

Médico Cirujano, Escuela Humanística de Medicina, Universidad La Salle, México D.F.

Diplomado en Epidemiologia, Bioestadística y Medicina Tropical, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London University, London


Ph.D. en Inmunología y Enfermedades Infecciosas, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.

Javier Enriquez Serralde kindergarden autor escritor novelista medico cientifico ciencia ficcion
Artículos y presentaciones en medicina y ciencia 

En Estados Unidos de América no se utilizan los segundos apellidos. Por lo tanto, Javier Enríquez Serralde publicó bajo el nombre de F.J. Enriquez, F. Javier Enriquez o J. Enriquez, dependiendo de las disposiciones de la revista o asociación científica. Por lo demás, a Javier nunca le gustó el nombre Francisco y evitó usarlo.

Schneider C.K., Melmed R.D., Enriquez F.J., Barstow L.E. Ranger-Moore J., and Ostrem J.A. 2006. Oral immunoglobulin for children with autism and gastrointestinal dysfunction: a prospective, open-label study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 36:1053-1064.

Shrestha A. and Enriquez F.J. 2001. Prevalence of encephalitozoonosis among hospitalized patients in Nepal. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 65:648–649.


Adjei A.A., Curran B.C., Castro M.,  Shrestha A., Delsid L., Fritz H., Velez M., and Enriquez F.J. 2000. γδ+ T cells and 65-kDa heat shock protein expression following Cryptosporidium parvum challenge in athymic C57BL/6J nude mice. Immunology Letters 72:35-38.


Adjei A.A., Jones J.T. and Enriquez F.J.  2000. Differential intraepithelial lymphocyte phenotypes following Cyrptosporidium parvum challenge in susceptible and resistant athymic strains of mice. Parasitology International 49:119-129.


Adjei A.A., Shrestha A., Castro M., and Enriquez F.J.  2000.  Adoptive Transfer of Immunity with Intraepithelial Lymphocytes in Cryptosporidium parvum-infected severe combined immunodeficient mice. American Journal of the Medical Sciences 320:304-309.


Adjei A., Jones T.T., Riggs M.W. and Enriquez F.J. 1999. Evidence of Thymus-independent Local and Systemic Antibody Responses to Cryptosporidium parvum Infection in Nude Mice. Infection and Immunity 67:3947-3951.


Adjei A., Jones T.T. and Enriquez F.J. 1999. Prophylactic efficacy of dietary nucleosides and nucleotides in dexamethasone-immunosuppressed adult mice infected with Cryptosporidium parvum. Experimental Parasitology 92:199-208.


Enriquez F.J. and Riggs M.W. 1998. Role of Immunoglobulin A monoclonal antibodies against P23 in controlling murine Cryptosporidium parvum infection. Infection and Immunity 66:4469-4473.


Bornay-Llinares F.J., da Silva A.J, Moura H., Schwartz D.A., Visvesvara G.S., Pieniazek N.J., Cruz-López A., Hernández-Jaúregui P., Guerrero J., Enriquez F.J. 1998. Immunologic, Microscopic, and Molecular Evidence of Encephalitozoon (Septata) intestinalis Infection in Mammals other than Humans. Journal of Infectious Diseases 178:820-826.


Enriquez F.J., Taren D., Cruz-López A. Muramoto M., Palting J.D., and Cruz P. 1998. Prevalence of intestinal encephalitozoonosis in Mexico. Clinical Infectious Diseases 26:1227-1229.


Enriquez F.J., Wagner G., Fragoso M., and Ditrich O. 1998. Inhibition of microsporidial growth in vitro by an anti-exospore monoclonal antibody. Parasitology 117:515-520.


Dowd S.E., Gerba G.P., Enriquez F.J., and Pepper I.L. 1998. PCR amplification and species determination of Microsporidia in formalin-fixed feces after immunomagnetic separation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 64:333-336.


Enriquez F.J., Avila C., Tanaka-Kido J., Vallejo O., Sterling C.R., and Santos J.I. 1997. Cryptosporidium infections in Mexican children:  clinical, nutritional, enteropathogenic, and diagnostic evaluations. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 55:254-257.


Enriquez F.J., Ditrich O., Palting J.D., and Smith K. 1997. Simple diagnosis of Encephalitozoon spp. Microsporidial infections using a pan-specific anti-exospore monoclonal antibody. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 35:724-729.


Enriquez F.J. and Sterling C.R. 1994. Role of TH1 and TH2 cell secreted cytokines cryptosporidiosis. Folia Parasitologica 40:307-311.


Miller K., Duran-Pinales C. Cruz-Lopez A., Morales-Lechuga L., Taren D., and Enriquez F.J. 1994. Prevalence of cryptosporidiosis among Mexican children from rural and urban areas. American Journal of Medicine and Hygiene 51:322-325.


Cross M.L., Cupp E.W., and Enriquez F.J. 1994. Differential modulation of murine cellular immune responses by salivary gland extract of Aedes aegypti. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 51:690-696.


Cross M.L., Cupp E.W., and Enriquez F.J.  1994.  Modulation of murine CD4+  T cell-secreted cytokines and down-regulation of TH2-associated immune responses by salivary gland extract of black flies. Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 45:119-124.


Hagler J.R., Naranjo S.E., Bradley-Dunlop D., Enriquez F.J., and Henneberry T.J.  1994.  A monoclonal antibody to pink bollworm (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) egg antigen: A tool for predator gut analysis. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 87:85-90.


Hagler, Brower A.G., Tu Z., Byrne D., Bradley-Dunlop D., and Enriquez F.J.  1994.  Use of a monoclonal antibody to detect predation of the sweet potato whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Entomologia Exprimentalis et Aplicata 68:231-236.


Cross M.L., Cupp M.S., Ramberg F.R., Cupp E.W., and Enriquez F.J. 1993. Antibody responses of BALB/c mice to saliva of hematophagous black flies. Journal of Medical Entomology 30:725-734.


Cross M.L., Cupp M.S., Cupp E.W., Galloway A.L., and Enriquez F.J. 1993. Modulation of murine immunological responses by salivary gland extract of Simulium vittatum. Journal of Medical Entomology 30:928-935.


Monroy F. and Enriquez F.J.  1992.  Heligmosomoides polygyrus:  A model for chronic intestinal helminthiasis. Parasitology Today 8:42-46.


Hagler J.R., Cohen A., Bradley-Dunlop D., and Enriquez F.J. 1992. New approach to mark insects for feeding and dispersal studies. Journal of Environmental Entomology 21:20-25.


Hagler J.R., Cohen A., Bradley-Dunlop D., and Enriquez F.J. 1992. Field evaluation of predation on Lygus hesperus eggs using a species- and stage-specific monoclonal antibody. Environmental Entomology 21:896-900.


Cross, M.L. and Enriquez, F.J.  1992.  Immunoassays for parasitology studies using a multiwell filtration system. Cell 71(4):11-13.


Enriquez F.J., Boggavarapu J., and Bradley-Dunlop D. 1992. Presence of IgE or IgE-like receptor in the intestinal nematode parasite of mice Heligmosomoides polygyrus.  International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology 99:123-126.


Ragland A.R., Hastings K., and Enriquez F.J. 1992. Rat anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody to mouse IL-2 receptor. FASEB 6:A1605.


Bernas M., Enriquez F.J., Way D., Fiala M., Ragland A., Bradley-Dunlop D., and Witti, M. 1992. Failure to produce hybridoma-derived monoclonal antibodies specific for cultured AIDS-Kaposi Sarcoma cells. Life Sciences 52:663-668.


Darban H., Enriquez F.J., Sterling C.R., Lopez M.C., Chen G., Abbaszadegan M., and Watson R.R. 1991.  Cryptosporidiosis facilitated by murine retroviral infection with LP-BM5.  Journal of Infectious Diseases 164:741-745.


Hagler J.R., Cohen A., Bradley-Dunlop D., and Enriquez F.J.  1991.  An egg-specific monoclonal antibody to Lygus hesperus. Biological Control 1:75-80.


Enriquez F.J., Bradley-Dunlop D., and Joens L.  1991.  Increased proportion of antigen-specific antibody-producing hybridomas following an in vitro immunization with in vivo immunized mouse spleen cells. Hybridoma 10:745-751.


Enriquez F.J. and Sterling C.R. 1991. Cryptosporidium parvum infections in inbred strains of mice. Journal of Protozoology 38:100S-102S.


Enriquez F.J., Cypess R.H., Scarpino V., and Wassom D.L. 1988. In vivo and in vitro egg production by Nematospiroides dubius female worms during primary and challenge infections of susceptible and resistant mice. Journal of Parasitology 74:262-266.


Cypess R.H., Lucia H.L., Dunsford H.A., and Enriquez   F.J.   1988.   Tissue reaction to Nematospiroides dubius infections of mice. Journal of Helminthology 62:69-76.


Enriquez F.J., Cypess R.H., and Wassom D.L. 1988. Influence of immunizing dose and presence or absence of adult worms on the development of resistance to Nematospiroides dubius challenge infections of mice. Journal of Parasitology 74:409-414.


Enriquez F.J., Zidian J.L. and Cypess R.H. 1988.  Nematospiroides dubius: Genetic control of immunity to infections of mice. Experimental Parasitology 67:12-19.


Enriquez F.J., Cypess R.H. and Wassom D.L.  1988.  Nematospiroides dubius: Two H-2 genes influence the resistance to infection of mice. Experimental

Parasitology 67:221-226.


Enriquez F.J., Cypess R.H., Jacobson R.H, and Wassom D.L. 1987. Adoptive transfer of resistance to Nematospiroides dubius infections of mice and an assay to measure the in vitro proliferation of lymphocytes reactive with N. dubius antigen. Immunology 62:223-228.




Pruitt R.E, Cohen L.B., Gibiansky E., Wang C., Strayhorn S., Rhodes C.A., Charest M., Katz S., Meddoff J., Schwartz H., Catanzaro A., Riff D., Weistein M., Smith C., Vincek W., Wall V., Enriquez F.J. Procedural Sedation with AQUAVAN Injection during Colonoscopy: A Randomized, Open-label, Multicenter, Dose-Ranging Phase II Study of Safety and Efficacy for Endoscopic Procedures. ASA. Las Vegas, NV. 2004.


Cindy K. Schneider, M.D., Raun D. Melmed, M.D. F. Javier Enriquez, M.D., Ph.D. Leon Barstow, Ph.D. and James A. Ostrem, Ph.D. Oral gammaglobulin treatment of gastrointestinal symptoms in autistic children. IMFAR, Orlando, FA. 2002.


Enriquez FJ, Adjei AA, Curran BC, Velez M, Shrestha AK and Fritz H. γδT cells and 65-kDa heat shock protein during Cryptosporidiosis in nude mice. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. pp. 181, 1999.


Adjei AA, Curran BC, Castro M, Shrestha AK, Delsid L, Velez M, Fritz H and Enriquez FJ. Antibody and intraepithelial lymphocyte responses during Cryptosporidium parvum infections in susceptible and resistant athymic nude mice. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. pp. 182, 1999.


Adjei AA, Jones JT, and Enriquez FJ.  Dietary nucleosides and nucleotides reduce Cryptosporidium parvum infection in dexamethasone-immunosuppressed adult mice. 20th African Health  Sciences Congress and 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Accra, Ghana. pp. 140, 1999.


Adjei AA, Jones JT and Enriquez FJ. Mucosal immune mechanisms of resistance to Cryptosporidium parvum infection in athymic nude C57BL/6J mice. 20th African Health Sciences Congress and 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, Accra, Ghana. pp. 141, 1999.


Adjei A.A., Jones J.T., Curran B.C., Delsid L., Shesthra A.K. Fragoso M., Velez M., Fritz H. and Enriquez F.J.  Elevated antibody responses in athymic nude mice correlate with reduction of Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst shedding.  74th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Parasitologists, Monterey, CA July, 1999.


Adjei A.A., Jones J.T., Curran B.C., Delsid L., Shesthra A.K. Fragoso M., Velez M., Fritz H. and Enriquez F.J.  Mucosal immune responses to Cryptosporidium parvum infection in athymic nude C57BL/6J mice.  74th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Parasitologists, Monterey, CA July, 1999.


Adjei A.A., Jones J.T., Smith K.S., Palting J., and Enriquez F.J. Immunological effects of dietary nucleosides and nucleotides in dexamethasone-immunosuppressed adult mice challenged with Cryptosporidium parvum. 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Parasitology, Kona, Hawaii August 16-20, 1998.


Adjei A.A., Jones J.T., Smith K.S., and Enriquez F.J.  Thymus-independent cell responses to Cryptosporidium parvum in nude mice. 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Parasitology, Kona, Hawaii August 16-20, 1998.


Ditrich O., Cross M.F., Jones J., Hensel J., Enriquez F.J., l997: Microsporidia and murine peritoneal macrophages. Journal of Eucatyotic microbiology 44: 26A.


Oleg Ditrich, Martin F. Cross, Janet Jones, Jennifer Hensel, and F. Javier Enriquez, 1997. Strategies of microsporidial evasion of macrophage killing Abstract of papers, The Second Workshop on Microsporidiosis and Cryptosporidiosis in Immunodeficient Patients, Ceske Budejovice, June 30 - July 3, 1997. Invited.


Enriquez F.J., Palting J.D., Cruz-Lopez A., Hernandez-Jauregui P., Tellez C., Guerrero J., Curran B. Prevalence of microsporidial infections in children and adults with diarrhea. 97th Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Miami, FL May 4-8, 1997.


Pavia-Ruz N., Enriquez F.J., Santos A., and Santos J.I. Prevalence of Encephalitozoon spp. microsporidial infections in children with AIDS and chronic diarrhea. 97th Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Miami, FL May 4-8, 1997.


Enriquez F.J. Microsporidia: Immunity and Immunodiagnosis. Second workshop of microsporidiosis and cryptosporidiosis. Czech Academy of Sciences and CDC (U.S.A.). Czech Republic. June 1997.


Jones J.T., Adjei A.A. and Enriquez F.J. Cytokine responses to Cryptosporidium parvum. 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Orlando, FL December 7-11, 1997.


Enriquez F.J., Cruz-Lopez A.P., Palting J.D., Cruz P., Hernandez-Jauregui P., Tellez C., Guerrero J., and Curran B. Prevalence of microsporidial infections in children and adults with diarrhea. American Society for Microbiology Meeting. Miami, Florida, 1997


Enriquez F.J., Ditrich O., Palting J.D. and Smith K. Diagnosis of Encephalitozoon spp. Microsporidial infections using a pan-specific anti-exospore monoclonal antibody. 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, December 1996.


Enriquez F.J. Mucosal antibodies in the treatment of AIDS opportunistic infections. School of Medicine, University of Puebla. July, 1997. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Microsporidial parasites: emerging pathogens. ISSSTE. Tlaxcala, Mexico. July1997. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Immunotherapeutic approaches in enteric parasitic infections. Experimental Medicine, UNAM. Mexico City, Mexico. August, 1997. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Immunodiagnosis of emerging infectious diseases. University of Puebla Medical School. August, 1997. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Diagnosis and Treatment of Emerging AIDS Opportunistic Infections. March, 1997. Ministry of Health, Division of Infectious Diseases, Cuernavaca, Mexico. Invited.


Pavia-Ruz Noris, Enriquez F.J., Santos-Segura A., Ramirez-Galvan L. and Santos J.I. November 1996. Prevalence of Microsporidia in AIDS children. Annual Congress of the Mexican Association of Clinical Microbiology and III National Congress of Antimicrobials and Chemotherapy. Guadalajara, Mexico.


Enriquez F.J., Hensel J. and Sterling C.R. Cytokine responses in cryptosporidiosis. October 1996. Cytokines and the Th1 type and Th2 type Paradigm. Cairns, Australia.


Enriquez F.J. Identification of AIDS opportunistic gastrointestinal protozoans. Infectious Diseases, St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, Australia. Attended by 15 physicians in care of AIDS patients. October 22, 1996. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Immunodiagnosis of Microsporidia with monoclonal antibody 3B6. October 23, 1996. Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, St. Vincent's Hospital. Attended by 25 physicians and scientists. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Emerging Pathogens Affecting AIDS PatientsISSSTE Hospital, Tlaxcala, Mexico. The presentation was attended by 50 physicians and scientists from Tlaxcala City. September 6, 1996.  Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Diagnosis and Treatment of Emerging AIDS Opportunistic Infections. Ministry of Health, Division of Infectious Diseases, Cuernavaca, Mexico. The presentation was attended by 100 scientists from the Ministry of Health. September 20, 1996.  Invited.


Cross M.L., Jones J.T. and Enriquez F.J. Cytokine production in C57BL/10 mice in response to immunization with Cryptosporidium parvum. Joint Meeting of the American Society of Parasitologists and the Society of Protozoologists. Tucson, AZ. June 1996.


Enriquez F.J., Palting J.D., Hensel J. and Riggs M.W. Immunotherapy of cryptosporidiosis using IgA monoclonal antibodies to neutralizing-sensitive C. parvum antigens. Joint Meeting of the American Society of Parasitologists and the Society of Protozoologists. Tucson, AZ. June 1996.


Enriquez F.J., Palting J.D., Riggs M.W., Perryman L. and Hensel J. IgA monoclonal antibodies targeted to Cryptosporidium parvum neutralizing antigens. Bethesda, Maryland. March 1996.


Enriquez F.J. Mucosal antibodies in the treatment of AIDS opportunistic infections. School of Medicine, University of Puebla. November 1995. Invited.


Enriquez F.J., Riggs M.W., Palting J., and Hensel J.  Mucosal immunotherapy of cryptosporidiosis using monoclonal antibodies to neutralizing antigens. 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. San Antonio, TX. November 1995.


Enriquez F.J. Antigen-specific IgA monoclonal antibodies to specific epitopes within Cryptosporidium sporozoites. Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas, University of Puebla. 1995. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Cryptosporidiosis in Mexico. Hospital Infantil de Mexico. August 1995. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Immunotherapeutic approaches in enteric parasitic infections. Universidad de Puebla, School of Medicine. August 1995. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. New progress in hybridoma technology. Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas. Universidad de Puebla. August 1995. Invited.


Enriquez F.J., J. Palting, M.W. Riggs, and J. Hensel. IgA monoclonal antibodies targeted to Cryptosporidium parvum neutralizing antigens. NCDDG. Bethesda, MD. March 1995. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Parasitic infections in Puebla State, Mexico. Minority Researchers Abroad. University of Arizona. 1995. Invited


Enriquez F.J. Monoclonal antibodies in Medicine and Science. Biotechnology Seminars. University of Arizona. 1995. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Hybridoma technology. Principles and Practice. University of Puebla. Puebla, Mexico. 1994. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Immunotherapy to AIDS ooportunistic infections. Czech Academy of Sciences. Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. 1994. Invited.


Hensel J, Figuli P., Langer R., Riggs M.W., Sterling C.R., and Enriquez F.J. Anti- Cryptosporidium parvum GP23 IgA MAb migration to intestinal mucosa in immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice. 47th Annual Protozoology Meeting and 3rd Workshop on Opportunistic Protozoan Pathogens. Cleveland, Ohio. 1994.


Enriquez F.J., Riggs M.W., and Palting J. IgA Immunotherapy in Hepatobiliary Cryptosporidiosis. 47th Annual Protozoology Meeting and 3rd Workshop on Opportunistic Protozoan Pathogens. Cleveland, Ohio. 1994


Enriquez F.J. Monoclonal antibodies: improved techniques and applications. AIDS Interamerican Congress and Latin American Pediatric Infectology. November 1993. Acapulco, Mexico. Invited.


Enriquez F.J., Miller K., Duran-Pinales C. Cruz-Lopez A., Morales-Lechuga L., and Taren D. Cryptosporidium parvum infections in children from urban and rural areas of Puebla State, Mexico. AIDS Interamerican Congress and Latin American Pediatric Infectology. November 1993. Acapulco, Mexico. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. TH1- and TH2-regulation of responses to Cryptosporidium parvum infections in mice. First International Workshop in Microsporidiosis and Cryptosporidiosis. Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. 1993. Invited


Enriquez F.J. Cryptosporidium parvum: a causative agent of diarrhea in Latin American children. Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Puebla City, Mexico. January, 1993. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Hybridoma Technology: principles and applications. University of Puebla Medical School. Puebla City, Mexico. January 1993. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Diarrheal disease and Cryptosporidium parvum. Hospital Infantil de Mexico. January, 1993. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Veterinary Science Seminar Series. Parasite evasion of host immune responses. University of Arizona. 1992


Cross M.L., Cupp M., Cupp E.W., and Enriquez F.J. Immunomodulatory effects of saliva from simuliid flies. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Seattle, WA. 1992.


Cross M.L., Cupp M.S., Ramberg F.B., Cupp E.W. and Enriquez F.J. Immunomodulatory effects of saliva from simuliid flies. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Seattle, WA. 1992


Ragland A.R., Hastings K., and Enriquez F.J. Rat anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody to mouse IL-2 receptor. FASEB. Anaheim, CA. 1992.


Sterling C.R., Riggs M., and Enriquez F.J.  Immunotherapeutic approaches for Cryptosporidium parvum infections. National Cooperative Drug Discovery Groups for the Treatment of Opportunistic Infections. NIH. Beltsville, MD. September, 1992.


Enriquez F.J., Bradley-Dunlop D., and Boggavarapu J. IgE Fc Receptors in the Intestinal Nematode Parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Boston, MA. December 1991.


Enriquez F.J. Genetic control of immunity and modulation of host responses during intestinal helminthiasis. Seminars on Infectious Diseases. Hospital Infantil de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico. November 1991. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Cryptosporidium parvum infections in children and AIDS patients. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. October 1991. Invited.


Sterling C.R., Riggs M., and Enriquez F.J.  Immunotherapeutic approaches for Cryptosporidium parvum infections. National Cooperative Drug Discovery Groups for the Treatment of Opportunistic Infections. NIH. Beltsville, MD. Hyatt Dulles Hotel. September 4-6, 1991.


Enriquez F.J. Latin America: Dealing with diarrheal disease in children. International Health Program. University of Arizona. February 1991.


Enriquez F.J. and Sterling C.R. Cryptosporidium parvum infections in 19 inbred strains of mice. American Society of Protozoology. Bozeman, Montana. June 1991.


Enriquez F.J. Latin America: Dealing with diarrheal disease in children. International Health Program. Hospital Infantil de Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico. October 30, 1991. Invited.


Enriquez F.J. Parasite evasion of immune responses. Hospital Infantil de Mexico. November 6, 1991. Invited presentation.


Enriquez F.J. and Sterling C.R. Murine phenotype responses following Cryptosporidium parvum infections. III Latin American Congress of Tropical Medicine and 9th National Congress of Parasitology. 1990. Mexico City, Mexico.


Hastings K.L., Enriquez F.J., Bradley-Dunlop D., Schuman S., Thomas C.M., Hubbard A.K., and Gandolfi A.J. 1989. Development of a monoclonal antibody reactive with Halothane-associated neoantigens. American Society for Pharmaceutics and Experimental Therapeutics. Salt Lake City, Utah.


Enriquez F.J. Influence of MHC on immune response to helmintic infections. Conferencias Inmunologia Parasitaria. Sociedad Peruana de Parasitologia. Cayetano Hereida School of Medicine, Lima, Peru. April 27, 1989. Invited by the president of the Peruvian Association of Parasitology Dr. Cesar Naquira.


Enriquez F.J. Phenotipic variation of H-2 and non-H-2 genes and resistance/susceptibility to infectious diseases. Universidad Ricardo Palma. Lima, Peru. May 2, 1989. Invited Presentation.


Enriquez F.J., Avila C., Vallejo O., Tanaka J., Alpuche C., Espinosa L.E., Ramirez M.L., Santos J.I., and Sterling C.R. 1989. Cryptosporidium parvum infection in children of Mexico City. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Honolulu, HI.


Avila C., Alpuche C., Enriquez F. J., Vallejo O., Tanaka J., Espinoza L.E., Ramirez M.L., and Santos J.I. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium in Mexican children with acute diarrhea. 1989. 29th ICAAC. Houston, Texas.


Enriquez F.J., Cypess R.H., Sayles P.C., David C.S. and Wassom D.L. 1985. The method of immunization influences the resistance to Nematospiroides dubius infection in mice. Genetic Control of Infectious Diseases and Malignancy II:86. Montreal, Canada.

Enriquez F.J. Immunological implications of hypophysis xenotransplantation in humans. 1980. La Salle University, Mexico City.


Enriquez F.J. and Barbarena M. Electrocardiographic and clinical evidence of cardiopathy in Pickwick Syndrome. 1979. JLS. Mexico City.

las primas inefable diccionario Javier Enriquez Serralde lexinario autor escritor novelista medico cientifico
diccionario de lo inefable Javier Enriquez Serralde lexinario autor escritor novelista medico cientifico

Cryptosporidium visto por fluorescencia

las primas segundas trinas cuadros quinos inefableJavier Enriquez Serralde lexinario autor escritor novelista medico cientifico
diccionario de lo inefable ineffable Javier Enriquez Serralde lexinario autor escritor novelista medico cientifico blota blova plebonia pleoniria neobardismo euminidazo predubilacion onyo eab las primas segundas trinas cuadras quinos
diccionario de lo inefable ineffable Javier Enriquez Serralde lexinario autor escritor novelista medico cientifico blota blova plebonia pleoniria neobardismo euminidazo predubilacion onyo eab las primas segundas trinas cuadras quinos
diccionario de lo inefable ineffable Javier Enriquez Serralde lexinario autor escritor novelista medico cientifico blota blova plebonia pleoniria neobardismo euminidazo predubilacion onyo eab las primas segundas trinas cuadras quinos


Cryptosporidium en mucosa intestinal

Especies de Microsporidia por fluorescencia






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