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Definitions of some invented words in his novels

predubilation. 1. f. Strange feeling of fleeting doubt that precedes a sneeze or orgasm. 2. colloq. Surprising shaking shudder before sneezing or orgasm. 3. colloq. vulg. Feeling of not knowing if you are coming or going when you come.

pleoniria. F. Feeling of well-being when waking up from a pleasant dream that is not remembered.

transreticia. F. Threshold where a whim enters and disappointment leaves.


abioligation. F. Property exhibited by inert cables to become entangled without human or animal intervention.


plasmatrition. F. Illusion of one's own reflection in a mirror that evokes someone or something else.


plebony. F. Empathy that the commoner feels towards celebrities who have everything.


onyo. m. Legitimate child born of his mother's clandestine adultery.


provanescent. adj. Said of an image, color, sound, smell, taste or sensation: that appears slowly to the senses or to memory, suddenly presenting itself completely.

Ephthetic, ca. adj. 1. Ineffective with affectation. 2. Multi-part exhausted. 3. Inept and ineffective who tries to show otherwise.

psoricretto. 1. m. Secret that no one can keep a secret. 2. Secret that travels as fast as bad news.


eumitate. intr. Believing a lie or fantasy forged with repetitive hammering as truth.


carajostolio, lia. adj. Said of a person: That is frequently sent to hell by someone else.


euminidazo. m. Negative answer of a husband to the question of his wife, whose reaction to a positive answer he predicts, proceeding, therefore, with caution. Examples: Did you see that beautiful girl? Do I look bad in this dress? Do you think I am overweight?

catastrophic. m. Morbid human thirst to find out every day of the catastrophes of others.


chronorrhagia. 1. f. Feeling that time passed quickly without realizing it. 2. Feeling of having wasted time uselessly.

deporia. F. Despair of the unemployed who is forced to have a long and undeserved break.


sticker. 1. f. Instinctive, involuntary and immediate imitation of the expressions of someone who relates something effusively. 2. Reflection of the speaker's expression on the part of the listener.


las trinas cuadras Javier Enriquez Serralde con neologismos definidos en el lexinario del escritor novelista medico cientifico neobardismo eumindazo blota blova deporia plebonia

The Florentine Simarella is suddenly surprised by a news that will take her to Mexico City to discover her mysterious origins. This displacement will thus be the first announcement of a series of translations and confusions that will set the tone for this novel and that will be revealed over ten days.

Nothing will be fixed from that moment on: spaces and times will be confused; characters and settings will experience sudden changes; names and words will be disrupted to give way to feelings difficult to define in a world where everything overlaps.

This individual experience will be accompanied as a background by the failure of the human adventure that silently threatens the future of the species ...

diccionario de lo inefable de Javier Enriquez Serralde quien escribio el lexinario autor novelista medico cientifico con miles de neologismos como blota blova plebonia pleoniria neobardismo euminidazo predubilacion onyo


With more than 4,500 meanings, the Lexinario is an immersion in the world of the unspeakable. To read the Lexinario is to understand the proper interpretation of neologisms that the author has invented in his novels.

In this unprecedented work, he invites us to glimpse the universe and our own lives with new eyes. Each definition (which, at times, becomes a true micro-story) illustrates feelings, dimensions, aversions, and even obviousness that no one has dared to define or describe until now.

It is enough just to read a few random meanings to understand the grace and depth of his invented language.

las segundas trinas es la novela de javier enriquez serralde is the first novel publicada anos antes del Lexinario Diccionario de lo Inefable que es una coleccion de las miles de palabras inventadas en sus novelas quien como roberto bolano david mitchell kerangal guimaraes joyce fuentes julio cortazar murakami cuenta histrias y cuentos con musicalidad y poesia en prosa

The narrative style of the author of Las Cousins Second invites us, once again, to a journey through the world of invented words, a reflection where the reader can find old new words to assign them the meaning that the same reading suggests or, ¿ why not ?, a different one.

Like The Second Cousins, The Second Trines is a novel composed of stories interwoven with a very fine yarn. True to his unique style, Javier Enríquez Serralde takes us in these Las Segunda Trinas on a journey through the surreal world of his creation.

Reading is a challenge, even a delusion, but with a background that fuses introspection on a journey through times that have not existed, that have passed.

las primas segundas es la primera novela de javier enriquez serralde publicada anos antes del Lexinario Diccionario de lo Inefable que es una coleccion de las miles de palabras inventadas en sus novelas quien como roberto bolano david mitchell kerangal guimaraes joyce fuentes julio cortazar murakami cuenta historias y cuentos con musica de poesia en prosa y ademas con miles de neologismos que expresan sentimientos no antes descritos

Raw Second is a purely postmodern novel, wrapped in neologisms and metaphors and delusions. The novel consists of stories joined with invisible sutures. Reading is definitely slow and intentionally provocative, a game to stimulate the continuous flow of ideas and interpretations.

The "translation" of each neologism is different after each reflection and re-reflection, and carries in its context a poetic rhythm of virgin terms, as well as a challenge of fluctuating and temperamental words. The work is essentially an immersion in a new, neosurreal world, literally ... A novel.


It was a form of iscariotism that lacked the psychological raw of betrayal. Javier Enríquez Serralde, The Second Premiums

We cannot but honor the honest triumph of death. Javier Enríquez Serralde, The Second Premiums

He understood in that instant that moments did not exist, except at the very moment of their execution. Javier Enríquez Serralde, The Second Trines

Unhappiness is the fatal pursuit of happiness. Javier Enríquez Serralde, The Second Trines

Hypocrisy is an invisible stab. Javier Enríquez Serralde, Las Trinas Cuadras

Consciousness is the pan in which we fry our ideas. Javier Enríquez Serralde, Las Trinas Cuadras

The problem with any religion is that of a fiction that is taken seriously. Javier Enríquez Serralde, Las Trinas Cuadras

Husbands, Esbarda considered. Having none is insufficient; having one is too much. Javier Enríquez Serralde, Las Trinas Cuadras

Providence granted me my status as a thinker, and thinking revealed to me the sad absence of it. Javier Enríquez Serralde, Las Trinas Cuadras

Without reason, loyalty to someone else's cause is air blown to a fire. Javier Enríquez Serralde, Las Trinas Cuadras

To indulge whims is to engender whims. Javier Enríquez Serralde, Las Trinas Cuadras

Marriage is a language we learn as adults; We all speak it with a foreign accent and sometimes we don't understand each other. Javier Enríquez Serralde, Las Trinas Cuadras

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